
Does a Tummy Tuck Include Liposuction?

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A tummy tuck is a classic procedure as far as plastic surgery goes and has the potential to significantly improve the appearance and self-esteem of a patient by trimming the loose skin and muscle in the abdomen area. In addition, this procedure pairs well with other plastic surgery procedures. But does a tummy tuck include … Read more

How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle After Liposuction

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Whether you are a recent plastic surgery patient in Houston or you are a prospective client weighing your medical options, you have likely heard about liposuction. There are many benefits to managing body fat with this technique, as this is a totally customizable treatment. Not to mention, liposuction can be performed alone or in tandem … Read more

What to Expect At Home After a Liposuction

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One of the most important things to understand about liposuction in Houston is that every patient is vastly different. The surgical process is generally the same, but the way the body responds can vary from person to person. In other words, your recovery journey may look different than your friend’s or neighbor’s. This is why … Read more

How To Choose a Liposuction Surgeon: 5 Key Approaches

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Liposuction can be a life-changing and life-affirming operation. However, if you don’t select the right surgeon for your operation, you risk disappointment and even worse consequences. That’s why it’s always worth it to engage in proper research and decide what surgeon in your area would be the best choice for you and your procedure. Below … Read more

Should I Lose Weight Before Liposuction?

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Many people wonder should I lose weight before liposuction treatment. The answer to this question ultimately depends on a variety of factors that interweave to form a portrait of your unique health and wellness situation. Should I Lose Weight Before Liposuction? Depending on a few different factors, your doctor may ultimately recommend that you attempt … Read more


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